Casa Francia >Overview

Casa Francia

Created at the end of 2004 and housed within the Espace Cultural Ample, the foundation Casa Francia has fixed itself for mission to organize cultural and recreational events on the topic of the French contemporary art and culture.

The foundation will develop in 2005 programs of cultural exchanges between France and Spain and will open in October 2004, in collaboration with Dart Barcelona a creative and alternative space in which will be in particular installed workshops for visiting artists.

Its first operation was in collaboration with the new gallery Dart Barcelona the organization in Barcelona of the celebrations of the French national day, July 14, on the plaza de la Merce, linked with the inauguration of the gallery, in which took part more than 3500 people of all horizons and the first edition of the Festival Francia of Barcelona.

Beeing a private foundation, any person, company or institution of the Catalane French or international community is encouraged to sponsor the activities of Casa Francia.

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